FAQ Section
Power of Appeals Software
How can I update my Power of Appeals Software with the letters in the database?
Members that also own a licensed copy of our Power of Appeals Denial Management Software are able to update their POA letter database from the letters in AppealTraining.com’s repository. This requires that you have a licensed copy of POA v5.5 or newer.
How do I pay for the subscription?
If paying by credit card, you can sign up for Power of Appeals online. Your credit card will be billed on a monthly recurring basis as long as you continue to subscribe to Power of Appeals. If paying by check, please fill out and return an order form.
Can I cancel my subscription any time?
You may cancel your subscription at anytime after the initial 90-day time period. If you paid for 12 months in advance by check, you will receive a refund of the prorated amount unused.
Is it possible to add more users in the future?
Yes. You can add one or more users at any time by calling us and upgrading your license.
Can I pay for a year in advance?
Yes. You will receive a 10% discount if you prepay for 12 months. Just click on the monthly membership option above for the number of users you require. The following screen has an option to prepay for 12 months for the 10% discount or pay monthly. You can also download an order form and pay by check.
What are the system requirements?
There are no requirements necessary beyond those required for the version of Windows that you are running.
What type of denials can be appealed with POA?
Medical Necessity, Preexisting Conditions, Timely Filing Requirements, Incorrect Contractuals, Usual and Customary Reductions, Maternity/Newborn Coverage, Refund/Recoupment Requests, Stalled Claims, COBRA Benefits, Substance Abuse, Verification of Benefits, Mental/Nervous Conditions, Workers’ Compensation, Specialized Treatments, Telemedicine and more.
Will the software run on our network?
Power of Appeals can run on a network provided that a separate user license is purchased for each user accessing the software.
Do you offer on-site installation or training?
Power of Appeals is very easy to install. Once installed, our quick-start tutorial and users manual covers all you need to know about using the software. Most users are comfortable with the software after an hour of use. We do offer on-site training and seminars covering the use of the software as well as in-depth knowledge on appeal issues. Contact us if you are interested.
What if the information cited in the appeal letters changes?
The Power of Appeals subscription includes software updates as well as updates to the letter content. We are continuously adding new letters.
What type of providers use this software?
Power of Appeals is used by many different healthcare billing offices, hospitals, physicians and third-party billing offices. Although not every letter contained in POA is applicable to every type of provider, the majority of the letters address issues which are common to all providers.
Will Power of Appeals integrate with our billing system?
Power of Appeals has an import/export feature to expedite data transfer between software. To import patient accounts into POA, your billing system must be able to export the account information. For Medisoft users there is a direct import. POA can also import from 835 Transaction files.
Is Power of Appeals an Internet application or software installed on my computer?
Power of Appeals is a PC based Windows application that is installed on your local computer or local network. It is not a cloud based system requiring an Internet connection to operate. It does provide a more robust feature set if an Internet connection is present. For instance, if your computer is connected to the Internet, Power of Appeals will update the database of appeal letter templates from AppealTraining.com.