Want To Combat Denied Claims And Get Paid What You Deserve?
Start your membership and put insurers on notice that you'll no longer accept denials & reductions.
ELITE Membership Benefits
Appeal Letters
Database of over 1600 appeal letter templates proven effective at overturning & preventing denials.
Training Courses
Our Training Courses walk you through appeal strategies and steps to avoid future denials.
Appeal Strategies
Timely info on successful denial management practices, including real case studies and actionable steps.
eBooks on Appeals
Downloadable eBooks including our popular, Turning Insurance Denials Into Dollars ebook.
Podcasts and interviews of industry professionals sharing their denial management knowledge.
Guides & Checklists
Downloadable resources to make denial management improvement easy to implement.
Community Forums
Need help with denials you’re dealing with? Reach out to our online community of appeals professionals.
Answer Vault
Got Questions? Great, we’ve compiled a list of many questions our members have asked over the last 20+ years.
ELITE Members can participate in all of our Live and On-Demand Webinars for free. $297 each for PRO Members & Non-Members.
What Our Members Are Saying
I love, love, love this online tool!!! Awesome!
Cheryl M.
Mary W.
Cornwall Hospital
The product more than paid off. The first one I used had a yield of $19,700. It was a preauthorization issue. I used one of your appeal letters as the framework for the appeal I constructed. I have won quite a few utilizing the letters this way. They are a wonderful resource.
I purchased the Power of Appeals software and a 12 month membership last year. It has been the greatest thing I ever purchased for the office. I can’t function without it.
Julie L.
Atlanta Urology Associates
Maria T.
Denial Management Consultant
Your website has been very helpful! Worth twice the price!
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