Want To Combat Denied Claims And Get Paid What You Deserve?

Start your membership and put insurers on notice that you'll no longer accept denials & reductions.

ELITE Membership Benefits

  • Appeal Letters

    Database of over 1600 appeal letter templates proven effective at overturning & preventing denials.

  • Training Courses

    Our Training Courses walk you through appeal strategies and steps to avoid future denials.

  • Appeal Strategies

    Timely info on successful denial management practices, including real case studies and actionable steps.

  • eBooks on Appeals

    Downloadable eBooks including our popular, Turning Insurance Denials Into Dollars ebook.

  • Podcasts

    Podcasts and interviews of industry professionals sharing their denial management knowledge.

  • Guides & Checklists

    Downloadable resources to make denial management improvement easy to implement.

  • Community Forums

    Need help with denials you’re dealing with?  Reach out to our online community of appeals professionals.

  • Answer Vault

    Got Questions?  Great, we’ve compiled a list of many questions our members have asked over the last 20+ years.

  • Webinars

    ELITE Members can participate in all of our Live and On-Demand Webinars for free.  $297 each for PRO Members & Non-Members.

Membership (Only $87/mo) No Contracts. Cancel ANYTIME.

What Our Members Are Saying

I love, love, love this online tool!!!  Awesome!

The product more than paid off. The first one I used had a yield of $19,700. It was a preauthorization issue. I used one of your appeal letters as the framework for the appeal I constructed. I have won quite a few utilizing the letters this way. They are a wonderful resource.

I purchased the Power of Appeals software and a 12 month membership last year.  It has been the greatest thing I ever purchased for the office.  I can’t function without it.

Your website has been very helpful!  Worth twice the price!

Membership (Only $87/mo) No Contracts. Cancel ANYTIME.

Join The Most Comprehensive Appeals Information Available!

Membership (Only $87/mo) No Contracts. Cancel ANYTIME.